Sparks of Buddha to become a bit more free (includes guided meditation)

I have been following the online Mindfulness training of Michael Stone for several weeks. One of the chapters of the training is about Vedana.
Vedana is one of the teachings of Buddha that explains how our mind filters all our experiences. According to Buddha, we filter all what we feel as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. And our mind has a tendency to be attracted to what is pleasant, avoid what is unpleasant. This is quite obvious and of course this attraction and avoidance to pleasure and aversion can be a life saver in many situations. But if we go far in this attraction and aversion, we get caught and it can lead to a sense of constant craving and escaping.
What I understood is that we need to manage how we deal with our experiences, and to become less craving for pleasure and more tolerant with pain. Michael Stone emphasises the necessity of learn how to be closer to our pain, to learn to be with our pain and suffering. To learn to listen, to feel and to be with the experience without reacting immediately, to learn to be with the experience as it is. 
Here I share an audio of a meditative practice that I have made from the teachings of Michael Stone, to learn about Vedana while we seat in our cushion. Have a great time and let's enjoy what life brings to us! 


Dürckheim: une pratique au service de l’essentiel